Puppy Updates

“Snug as a bug in a rug” comes to mind as I look over the puppies. At this stage they are eatting and sleeping and growing plump under their mom’s watchful eye. Daisy’s litter, being a week older have more than doubled in size and Diasy is very secure in her role now as a mother. She leaves them for longer periods. Anytime we should have eyes opening.

Muse is getting more comfortable as well although she will not be leaving the nest for a few more days as nature has her by the heartstrings. Her puppies are still only a few days old and she keeps them warm snuggling in with them and feeds and cleans them as they also grow.

We let Muse get comfortable in her new role, one she also takes to easily. She is busy keeping them warm and cleaning them and waking them to nurse. They are all thriving under her care. Muse and her whelp will be heading back to her guardian home this weekend. Muse is comfortable here but Muse’s family are really missing her and reading their home for puppies!

Here is the just born shots of her puppies, with new pictures (and hopefully names) coming soon!

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