Baby Izzy (Rosie) update

Yes, I have been behind with my updates for the litter mates. Here is my update about baby Rosie (Izzy).  Thanks and I do look forward to sharing pictures!

Hi Vicky!

Izzy is doing great!  We can’t believe how quickly she is growing (she’s almost 12 lbs) and how happy she is all the time.  She has adjusted to city life but enjoys going to our parents’ house on the weekends to play in the yard.  It seems like things have been non-stop since she arrived!  She has started to lose her baby teeth (five so
far) during the past few weeks.  We have been a little behind on taking pictures, but we will take a few this weekend to send to you.
Hope everything is well with you.

We’ll be in touch!

– Chris & Kelli

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