Bonnie & Clyde moving day

Today in addition to Cooper leaving the nest from the candy bar litter was also moving day for Bonnie and Clyde. They have outgrown the whelp box, and next stage is the “puppy play pen” giving them room to stretch their legs, introduce them to water and the ugo dog potty tray, along with the bottom of a crate to give them a place to hang out and in the larger scheme of things with us, introduce them to the crate. We start out with the base, later adding the top without a door. The puppies think it is a fort! This also gets them more comfortable with a crate.




Izzy and Aunt Millie supervised the move.



I had to laugh when Izzy laid inside the crate bottom. 🙂




Their world is expanding now! Here is the last picture of them in their “whelp box”. Yes, it is time but it is like when a baby moves from a bassinet next to their mom to a crib. Just one more step away from whelp to puppy. Enjoy the room! Soon, you two will get to touch grass and play in the tunnel. But, not just yet little ones, not just yet.


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