Puppy visitors!

This weekend we had puppy visitors including itty bitties. 🙂 Always good to expose the puppies to children. We were happy to have Lucy’s guardian home and family members up at the same time to meet Chiewies family for the first time.

We also had two pups leave the nest this last week with Pablo and Trooper playing with other puppies and the big dogs for some good pack order training before they fly the nest. We are holding them a bit longer as their family has early summer plans. Pablo will be the next to fly off followed by Trooper.

Other exciting news is we have been working on slowly getting the whole “doodle acres” fenced so the doodles can run the 5 acres! I have been so looking forward to this since we purchased the place (for grandchildren and doodles!). First we had to clear the land, then replant Christmas trees, and there were the rescuce goats which put my glorious time line to shame. I was only going to get one goat, but others told me they are social creatures. Okay, two goats. Then a visit to view baby goats that were in a care taking situation pulled at my heart and so, well… we got 6 goats. And, it was one young in tact male and females. So, long story we now have 11 goats. And we built a cross fence, and are building another pasture. Oh, and Jeff built a play structure since what are playful baby goats without a fort?

The idea of one goat for eating blackberries and “feeding the land” with their output has mushroomed. But in a good way. The soil they are on is really naturally greening up and the blackberries are gone.

This weekend the itty bitties got to visit goat kids as well as puppies. We placed an awesome puppy with a family that I went to school with and he is doing so well.

Jory sadly was a no puppy xray, our first in 16 years and we were really looking forward to her last litter. She will be spayed and live the full life of a much loved pet in the future.

Other news is we tested out Skeeter and Deniris (queen of dragons) and they both scored very well.

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I have been holding back posting puppy pics as I get so many inquiries that don’t read the posts. This litter is spoken for and I have others on the wait list.

I do send the puppy owners photos of their puppies. Lucy (pet name Gracie) has once again produced such wonderful temperament, structure and just awesome puppies. Thank you Lucy! Time to enjoy retirement soon! Puppy teeth are coming in this week and she has begun the wean.

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