Updates from Liberty Hill

Miss me? We have been busy! Other than the usual December busy, we also finally purchased fencing to border our 5 acres of Liberty Hill farm and vineyard and order the doodle house building materials. January comes and  we have been in phase 2 of our home improvements, which means that we moved the office once again; taking over the spare bedroom as our new temporary bedroom so that we have a larger living area and finally, a dining area. My dining room table and buffet has been stored for two years! So excited that we are about 3/4 of the way through and there is flooring down, paint purchased and drapes waiting to be hung. I have to thank one of our puppy owners who pressured Jeff while visiting saying, of course having the dining room area off the kitchen is a great idea… you know who you are! East coast women, I just love them. 🙂 That helped seal the deal and soon, I will be feathering the buffet with table scape materials; only because one don’t know how much you miss sitting with family around the table until you do without. It is more than just a table, it is a touchstone with the family for me. Something about the conversation and food and sharing around a table that I have really missed.

The office is still under plastic drop cloth and unplugged. We thank you all for the wonderful Christmas cards, I saved some to scan and share as the family shots all had our doodles in them, which warms our hearts. I also have other updates on the grandma front. We now have two grandchildren, one boy and one girl! Our granddaughter came into the world last week and the several months of bedrest to not have a preemie paid off, she was 9 plus pounds!  Tons of steroid shots to prepare her lungs if born a preemie also produced tons of thick hair. She is doing great, a little jaundice but is getting sun through a window, such a cute shot, I had to share.

I will of course be sharing pictures of doodles and grand-doodles once the office is online.

Our doodle house addition is being planned now for this summer work along with our calendar of doodling.

Which brings me to the last bit of exciting news! Jory visited Banner recently and they doodled so we should have some more news if mother nature worked her magic. We are still waiting for Izzy to come into season which should be soon.

Khloe sunbathing



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